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Why You Should Smile More

A smile not only looks good, but also has many benefits that can increase your quality of life. However, not everyone is comfortable showing their smile if they suffer from cosmetic imperfections. If you are embarrassed to show your smile, Smiles for Centreville can help you achieve the benefits that a confident smile can offer.

Appear Trustworthy 

According to research, others will think of you as more trustworthy if you are wearing a smile. People are also more eager to forgive any mistakes and accept your apology as genuine if you wear a sheepish smile when addressing a negative situation. 

Spread Happiness

If you would like to improve the mood of others around you, try directing a smile their way. Smiling is contagious, and studies show that about half of the people that see you smiling will begin to smile too.

Raise Your Spirits

Smiling helps your body to release endorphins and can lower your blood pressure. Even a forced smile can work to improve your mood. Next time you are sad or upset, try to force yourself to smile, and see how it can lift your spirits.

Make More Money

A friendly smile can help you earn more money, especially if you work in an industry that relies on tips. Smiling waiters and waitresses are much more likely to receive bigger tips than their stone-faced counterparts. In a variety of professions, smiling and having a positive misdemeanor can lead to raises and promotions.

Overcome Social Awkwardness

There are many social situations in which a polite smile is expected of you. Whether you should laugh at a joke, greet people with a smile, or smile at another’s good news, failing to produce a smile can cause others to think negatively of you.

If you would like to experience these benefits but are too embarrassed about the quality of your smile, Smiles for Centreville can help give you a beautiful smile that you will be proud of. We encourage you to call or visit our office today to schedule an appointment or consultation.