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Can Cavities Be Genetic?

If you’ve ever been to a dentist you’ve probably heard how important brushing and flossing are. But did you know that even if you brush, floss, and visit your dentist as often as you should, you could still find yourself with a cavity? Conversely, others may go cavity-free even with minimal dental care. While this may seem unfair, some people are simply more genetically predisposed to cavities. In fact, individuals with soft tooth enamel or crowded teeth can increase your chances of getting cavities.

Sadly, you won’t be able to change soft enamel. However, you can avoid soda and sugary drinks as they can wear your enamel quickly. Also, make sure you don’t brush too hard. Hard brushing can also damage your enamel and gums.

Conversely, you can do something to overcome crowded teeth. At times, this may involve orthodontic care, or removing excessive teeth. Still, if you are dealing with the crowded teeth, we recommend dealing with it quickly. You see, crowded teeth will hide bacteria and make it very difficult to clean your teeth as thoroughly as possible—even with a toothbrush and flossing. If you are coping with this issue, we recommend visiting our office. We can give you specific advice to meet your needs.

Fortunately, regardless of whether you are predisposed to tooth decay or not, addressing cavities is fairly simple. However, leaving cavities unfilled can cause pain and can even make root canal therapy a necessity. Getting your cavities filled should be a priority.

If you have any questions or concerns about your teeth, please feel free to call [practice_name] at [phone]. Dr. [doctor_name] and our team look forward to hearing from you.