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The Best Smiles are Possible with Dental Veneers

Are you aware that many celebrities and wealthy people seek out cosmetic dentistry and use dental veneers as their tooth restoration of choice? Dental veneers are so widespread because they can give you a smile that nature itself may not have been able to bless you with.

The best smiles are possible with dental veneers. Facts about dental veneers include:

– A single dental veneer can last over ten years before a modification or replacement will be needed.

Dental veneers are amazing choices for covering teeth with stains, discolorations, or damages that can leave a tooth vulnerable to further harm.

– Although a small volume of tooth enamel must be removed to place a dental veneer, it is less than the amount needed to place a dental crown.

– Dental veneers only use a small amount of material to attach to the fronts of teeth, which consists of a strong yet durable shell.

– Dental veneers are bound directly to the fronts of teeth for a durable hold that will not shift or move.

– Dental veneers can be used for mending minor misalignment or spacing issues between teeth.

To prevent dental damage, make sure you are following the proper treatment techniques for a healthy smile that can last a lifetime. If you would like Dr. [doctor_name] and our team at [practice_name] to bring you in for an oral exam or professional cleaning, please contact our dentist office in [city], [state], by calling us at [phone]. Take the time to protect your teeth today!