Here’s Why You Should Be Using an Electric Toothbrush

It’s easy to think that a powered toothbrush is an unnecessary gadget. It’s just one more simple daily task that’s been automated to attract consumers. But electric toothbrushes hold out many health benefits. Here’s why the Smiles for Centreville dentists recommend you give one a try.
They Get Your Teeth Cleaner
It’s true! Powered toothbrushes have bristles that vibrate at a rate which disrupts plaque bacteria faster than is possible by hand. It is possible to keep your smile clean and healthy with a manual toothbrush, but that can be a trick for those with limited hand dexterity.
An automated toothbrush gets the work done for you.
A Powered Brush Is Gentler Than a Manual One
Some electric toothbrushes come with a feature that warns you if you’re pushing the brush too hard against your teeth. Rough tooth brushing damages gums and enamel and it’s a tough habit to break. Making the switch to a powered toothbrush could be what saves your smile.
You Could Use a Reminder for Your Brushing
On average, you need to spend a full two minutes brushing your teeth. That ensures you tackle almost all the plaque. But it’s so easy to forget when you’re in a hurry! An electric toothbrush that beeps at intervals or has a timer will help remind you to do a thorough job.
In the end, the best toothbrush for you is the one you’ll use. If you’ve kept your smile in great shape for years with a manual toothbrush, then you might not need to switch to an electric one.
Find out what your smile needs by scheduling a checkup with a Centreville family dentist.
Posted on Behalf of Smiles For Centreville