Comfortable Care with Sedation Dentistry
Do fear and anxiety about a dentist appointment ever place limits on your dental health? With sedation dentistry at Smiles for Centreville, we take away your anxiety so that you remain completely relaxed during your dental treatment. You won’t feel anything during the procedure, and, most likely, you will remember little about it afterward. Make dental anxiety a thing of the past!
What to Expect When Sedated
You should expect to feel relaxed while sedated. To be on the safe side you will need to arrange for a ride to and from your appointment. Since some sedatives take bit longer to wear off, it’s possible you may not remember much from your procedure. In fact, many patients say they feel as though they have just woken from a great nap once the medication wears off.
Types of Sedation Offered
We are pleased to offer three types of sedation for our patients: oral, Nitrous Oxide (inhalation conscious), and IV conscious sedation. We will look at your medical history, the type of dental treatment you are scheduled for, and your personal preference to determine the right alternative for you.
Oral Sedation
If you don’t like needles, this type of sedation may be the perfect option for you! Instead you either swallow a sedative medication or let it dissolve under your tongue prior to the procedure. You’ll feel the effects of oral sedation within minutes.
To learn more about sedation dentistry, and to schedule your next visit to our office, please contact us today!